77 Posts
June 7, 2016
Want to cut your cancer risk? Consider reducing your use of plasticsPlasticizers called “ortho-phthalates” are used throughout the food preparation and handling process. Studies suggest they migrate into food if the plastics are heated.
January 5, 2016
Failing at your New Year's resolutions already?The new year is still young, and many people are already struggling to keep promises they made as part of their New Year’s resolutions. Tanis Taylor, a mind-body therapist at our hospital in Tulsa, has developed a list of tips for setting goals you might actually achieve.
October 15, 2015
Is it still safe to bring home the bacon? What to know about the WHO reportA WHO panel concluded that eating processed meats, including bacon and hot dogs, increases the risk of getting cancer, adding that fresh cuts of red meat probably cause cancer, too. Our experts talk about what it means.
July 15, 2015
Educated patients have lower risk of infection from home-based IV nutritionDr. Pankaj G. Vashi, Chair of the CTCA Department of Medicine, discusses a study he led on the bloodstream infection risk for cancer patients getting home-based IV nutrition.
March 12, 2015
Are detoxes and juice cleanses beneficial for weight loss?Most people, though, see a detox program as a quick and easy way lose weight. Unfortunately, there is little or no research suggesting that a detox can result in safe, permanent weight loss.
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