
Hospital phone numbers

At City of Hope, we know how important it is for you to reach the right people at the right time with questions or concerns about treatments, upcoming appointments or patient services. City of Hope offers a variety of ways to contact your care team, supportive care team and other services at our hospitals and Outpatient Care Centers.

Services and contact information vary at each of our City of Hope hospitals. Here's a quick guide of key hospital contact information.

More ways to reach out

City of Hope Outpatient Care Centers in the Chicago and Phoenix areas provide a variety of services and treatment options. Reach our Outpatient Care Centers at these numbers:


Downtown Chicago: (312) 535-7863
Gurnee: (847) 665-0936


Gilbert: (480) 530-4700
North Phoenix: (623) 932-8960
Tatum Ridge: (480) 530-4200

Still have questions? Contact your hospital’s main switchboard 24/7 at:

Atlanta: (770) 400-6000
Chicago: (847) 872-4561
Phoenix: (623) 207-3000 

Click here to contact us by email.

If you need emergency medical assistance, dial 911.