City of Hope Atlanta non-profit compliance information

City of Hope® Cancer Center Atlanta is certified by the State of Georgia's Department of Community Health as a non-profit hospital. To learn about financial assistance policy, download an application form or apply online, visit our Financial Assistance Policy page. Our most recent annual Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Services and Radiation Therapy Services surveys can be found here.


Collection policies

We are committed to supporting our patients throughout their cancer journey. City of Hope Atlanta will not impose extraordinary collection efforts, such as wage garnishment or liens on primary residence for any patient/guarantor, without first making reasonable efforts to collect account balances and allowing patients to apply for financial assistance under the assistance policy. Approved financial assistance applications will be valid for six months and exempt from all collection efforts related to outstanding accounts that fall within the six-month time frame. City of Hope Atlanta will not report any account approved for financial assistance to the credit bureau during this time. Normal collection efforts will be for account balances that fall outside of the six-month time frame.

Learn more about the accreditations for City of Hope Atlanta.

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