
Naturopathic support

This page was reviewed under our medical and editorial policy by

Maurie Markman, MD, President, Medicine & Science

This page was updated on September 12, 2022.

Our services

As part of our supportive care model, City of Hope offers a variety of supportive care services, designed to help patients manage the side effects of the disease or its treatment.

Among the supportive therapies City of Hope offers is naturopathic support, which focuses on using natural, non-toxic techniques to support the self-healing process. Our naturopathic providers meet with patients to review their medical history, listen to their concerns and recommend a variety of natural therapeutic options. These naturopathic providers may also ask you about supplements you may be taking, to identify potential herb-drug-nutrient interactions.

Our naturopathic providers work closely with you and the rest of your care team to reduce the risk of harmful effects from cancer treatments. Throughout your treatment, the naturopathic provider and other care team members will monitor side effects and modify your treatment plan when necessary. Our naturopathic providers choose from a wide variety of natural therapies, including herbal and botanical preparations, dietary supplements and homeopathic remedies, consulting with your medical oncologist and other care team clinicians to help you manage cancer-related side effects, to reduce the risk of treatment delays.

Naturopathic support may be used to help manage these side effects: